Atlanta is an American comedy-drama television series created by and starring Donald Glover. Set in the titular city, the series follows two cousins, Earnest "Earn" Marks (Glover), and Alfred "Paper Boi" Miles (Brian Tyree Henry), as they navigate through daily life in the southern metropolis, amidst racism, poverty, and the nuances of black rap culture. The show is shot in a single-camera format and filmed on location in Atlanta. Glover, who grew up in Atlanta, stated that the city influenced the tone of the show and that, overall, his goal for the series was to make "Twin Peaks with rappers."
FX picked up the series in October of 2015 and the first two episodes aired on September 6, 2016 then renewed for a second season after both episodes premiered but it didn't premiere until March 1, 2018 due to Glover's involvement in Solo: A Star Wars Story.
Main cast[]
- Earnest "Earn" Marks (Donald Glover) is a Princeton dropout turned manager for his cousin, Alfred aka Paper Boi. Earn has a daughter with Van, but the two have a rocky relationship and Earn struggles to provide for them. When he realizes that his cousin is on the verge of stardom, his long-buried ambitions are rekindled and he "sets out to seize the life he imagined for himself"[1] and safeguard his family's financial future.
- Alfred "Paper Boi" Miles (Brian Tyree Henry) is a hot, up-and-coming Atlanta rapper and Earn's cousin. Alfred has mixed feelings about his newfound fame and, on the side, sells drug. As his celebrity grows, Alfred has trouble understanding "the line between real life and street life".[2]
- Darius (Lakeith Stanfield) is Alfred's drug dealing partner and best friend. He is mellow and often gets high and makes random, off-hand comments. However, at the same time, he can be insightful and is considered "a visionary".[3]
- Van (Zazie Beetz) is Earn's on-and-off girlfriend and the mother of his daughter. She too has had her dreams deferred and is frustrated by Earn's inability to provide.
Also starring[]
- Raleigh Marks (Isiah Whitlock Jr.), the father of Earnest and uncle of Alfred.
- Main article: Songs featured in Atlanta
Critical reception[]
Awards and nominations[]
- ↑ Andreeva, Nellie. (December 12, 2014) "Donald Glover Comedy Pilot ‘Atlanta’ Ordered By FX". Deadline. Retrieved March 13, 2017.
- ↑ "Brian Tyree Henry/Alfred 'Paper Boi' Miles". FX. Retrieved March 13, 2017.
- ↑ "Lakeith Stanfield/Darius". FX. Retrieved March 13, 2017.
External links[]
- Official website
- Atlanta @Twitter
- Atlanta at the Internet Movie Database.
- Buy season one in HD on iTunes
- Buy season one in HD on